Biodiversity Net Gain
- Defra Metric 4.0
- UK Habitat surveys
- Full BNG reporting
- River Condition surveys (MoRPh)
- Biodiversity enhancement strategies
- Habitat creation, management & restoration
Ecological services
- Preliminary Ecological Appraisals
- Protected Species surveys
- Habitats Regulations Assessments
- EPS Licences
- Mitigation
- Expert Advice
- Level 1 bat training course
- Level 2 bat training course
- Levels 3/4 bat training course
- Other courses in the pipeline
Arboricultural services
- Tree condition surveys
- Arb risk assessments
- BS5837 Planning surveys
- Quantified tree risk assessments (QTRA)
- Picus tomograph & microdrilling
- Veteran tree management
- Aerial surveys
What we do…
3 steps to completing your project requirements…
Email or ring us with your project requirements and we’ll send you a quote with all you need to know
Give us the nod to proceed and we’ll programme your survey in to suit your timescale and get the ball rolling
Your report gets issued direct to you for approval, and your project can proceed to the next step