Badger surveys

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Many activities can affect badgers within or adjacent to a project area, including (but not limited to) excessive noise, lighting or vibration; pile driving; quarry blasting; fires; chemicals; excavation; ploughing and harvesting crops; tree felling and timber extraction; construction or repair of flood defences or watercourses.

In most cases you should be able to avoid disturbing badgers and damaging or blocking access to their sett. If you can’t avoid this, you can apply for a licence for works from Natural England, Scottish Natural Heritage or Natural Resources Wales. We can do this on your behalf.

However, the first step is to establish to what extent, if at all, badgers are using your project site. At Ecology Resources, we can undertake the necessary survey to inform this.

Badger surveys

When is the right time to carry out a badger survey?

Field surveys for presence / absence can be undertaken at any time of year. However, in high summer, when vegetation is at its densest, setts can be well hidden and easily overlooked. We recommend checking with us first to avoid any unnecessary delays to your project. The following timings provide a general guide.

Green = optimal | Yellow = suboptimal | White = unsuitable

How can Ecology Resources help?

To discuss your badger survey requirements feel free to ring us during office hours, or email us at anytime.

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