All UK bat species are protected by National and European legislation.
In most cases you can avoid harming the bats or damaging or blocking access to their habitats. However, if you have a building or any mature trees on your site bats may be present, even if signs of their presence are not obvious. Development projects near to foraging habitat, e.g. woodlands, hedgerows or streams, may also affect bats.
What does a bat survey entail?
If you think your project plans could potentially result in breaking wildlife law, you will need an expert to provide advice and/or do a bat survey. Which is where we come in. Our Preliminary Roost Assessment (PRA) survey assesses your site for bat presence and, if they are, we can undertake further surveys to help you secure your planning application.
We also provide a report on how the bats are using your project area. From this data, our fully-licensed and experienced bat surveyors will help you to plan your project to avoid harming bats, provide mitigation solutions and ensure compliance with wildlife law.
When is the right time to carry out a bat survey?
Exact timings vary, depending on such factors as where you live and what the weather is like at the time. We recommend checking with us first to avoid any unnecessary delays to your project. The following timings provide a general guide.
Green = optimal | Yellow = suboptimal | White = unsuitable | Blue = Dependent upon conditions
How can Ecology Resources help?
We offer free advice regarding all bat-related matters, including how your project may be affected by their presence, or how you can tweak you project design to ensure a biodiversity net gain is achieved.
To discuss your bat survey requirements feel free to ring us during office hours, or email us at anytime.