Bat Licence Training Courses

We believe in a hands-on approach, giving you the opportunity to learn skills in field-based practical sessions, as well as ensuring a comprehensive grounding in the theory through classroom-based modules.

The courses are designed to complement and strengthen your wider training and may be used to kick-start your training towards a specific licence level, as a ‘boost’ to your existing experience or to help you complete your training for a licence.

Our Lead Tutor, Dr Charlotte (Lotty) Packman, began running Bat Licence Training Courses in 2017 in response to demand for quality, intensive, structured courses, targeted at each Bat Survey Class Licence level. These popular courses, originally via Wild Wings Ecology, are now run by Lotty at Ecology Resources.

Subject to meeting the required standards, passing the course assessments and review of a satisfactory training log/your additional experience, the Course Tutor can provide a ‘Course Completion Certificate’, where appropriate.

Natural England will accept our Course Completion Certificates in lieu of 1 reference when applying for a licence.

Courses are held in Lenwade/Norwich, with field excursions around Norfolk. If you have any enquiries related to the bat training courses please email

Fun and informative. We aim to return to undertake further courses as soon as we can!”

James Turner, Regional Office Manager & Principal Consultant, Thomson Environmental Consultants.

This course is a must for anyone looking to obtain a bat survey licence.”

Jim Longley BSc (Hons) MCIEEM. Principal Ecologist, Baker Consultants

Fun and informative. The team from Thomson that attended the Level 1 bat course had a fantastic time, with the amazing bat roost inspection visit being the highlight for us. The course was run in a friendly and interactive fashion, yet had good structure and was very informative for those wishing to increase their knowledge of bat surveying and the associated legislation and guidelines involved. We aim to return to undertake further courses as soon as we can!” James Turner, Regional Office Manager & Principal Consultant, Thomson Environmental Consultants.

This course is a must for anyone looking to obtain a level 2 bat survey licence.”

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