Fabulous fungi

  • BNG is coming

    Whether you’re a developer, landowner, local planning authority or ecologist, Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is likely to crop up sooner or later and it’s something you need to know about, […]

  • Greetham Parish Council BAP

    In 2022 the parish council of Greetham, Rutland tasked Ecology Resources Ltd with delivering their biodiversity action plan (BAP). Over the last few months our Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) team […]

  • ER’s Volunteer Day

    September 2022 Ecology Resources was hosted at Hampton Nature Reserve, a SSSI and SAC, by Froglife Peterborough to undertake a day of volunteering. On Friday 2nd Sept, our tasks for […]

  • Historic England Badgers

    Ecology Resources were commissioned by Historic England to monitor three entrance holes that had potential to be a badger sett on an undisclosed site in the East Midlands. Historic England […]

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